Latest News

  • A big thank you to WSH Logistics of Ledbury!

    Fri, 26 Jul 2024

    A big thank you to WSH Logistics of Ledbury for kindly donating and providing expert and safe transit in delivering a telehandler to the Trust.

  • Now we are cooking on gas (or induction hob)!

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024

    Fantastic progress with our new kitchen currently being fitted and a dry day, allowing a lovely photo of our freshly rendered and painted externals, new windows and new roof. Keep up the good work MC Rawlings Building Conservation Ltd.

  • Fabulous kitchen design for our latest project at North Farm.

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024

    The Trust is excited with progress at our latest North Farm project and have received the plans for our new, fantastic kitchen. A big thank you to Duncan Barry(Ex Royal Engineer) of Jewson’s Hereford, with the units made by Symphony Group.

  • Further progress on our North Farm – Phase 3 project

    Thu, 25 Jan 2024

    There we have it, 7.5cu of concrete successfully poured!

  • Progress on our North Farm – Phase 3 project.

    Mon, 15 Jan 2024

    Work continues at North Farm, with the successful installtion of a new roof amongst other things.

  • First Military Recruitment and their 3 Peaks Challenge

    Mon, 23 Oct 2023

    The Trust is honoured to have been selected as the chosen charity, for a team from First Military Recruitment wishing to raise sponsorship for tackling the 3 Peaks Challenge.

  • North Farm - Phase 3 Project Commences!

    Wed, 13 Sep 2023

    We are pleased to announce the commencement on site of our North Farm – Phase 3 project.

    With the safety fencing up, risk assessments completed and the team briefed; we look forward to working with MC Rawlings Building Conservation Ltd who will transform our tired farmhouse, into a modern, 2 bedroom Almshouse for future Veteran beneficiaries and their families.

  • A donation gratefully received.

    Tue, 01 Nov 2022

    A big thank you to the 19 Gibraltar (The Senior Battery) Reunion Group.

  • Who doesn't love a timelapse?

    Tue, 18 Oct 2022

    Timelapse of our North Farm Phase 2 veteran cottage project.

  • Another gratefully received donation.

    Thu, 13 Oct 2022

    A big shout out to Martin and team of Hereford Carpets for your kind donation of some quality flooring products for one of our Veteran properties.